American Journal of Computer Science and Technology

Special Issue

Accurate Satellite Positioning Space System (ASPSS)

  • Submission Deadline: 1 December 2022
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Abdurazzag Aburas
About This Special Issue
Currently, hundreds of satellites are orbiting the sky of our home earth. The probability of the collusion in space of the satellite is very high to happen. This special issue is mainly about developing a research end-user (software) for Accurate Satellite Positioning Space Systems (ASPSS) and developing a new dataset (Geographic) for it using a novelty improved and advanced software. The satellite movement indication in orbit is examined in these developed packages. This special issue will publish different studies that aim to have online/offline tracking datasets of coordinate in space location signals of defined orbiting satellites over the earth and also, predicate and/or calculate the current position of any defined satellite in space. The details of the software prototypes are given such as the fundamentals of computing the space (orbit) coordinate equations and system flowchart. This type of software/program(s) is new and it has the measurements of computing and predicting the coordination of any satellite orbiting earth’s sky at selecting or given time and/or location (coordinates). The new innovated and developed software/program(s) could be improved by adding advanced sensors to it and developing an innovative function/procedure and Graphic Սѕer Interface (GUI) in new ASPSS versions.


  1. Satellites
  2. Positioning
  3. Orbit
  4. Tracking
  5. Datasets
  6. Sensors
Lead Guest Editor
  • Abdurazzag Aburas

    Computer Engineering/School of Engineering, University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa